You’ve been successful at building your store. But you want more. Maybe you have hit a wall in terms of growth or you are transitioning your business. Maybe going online for the first time. Now you are talking to us. Combining your expertise in your field of business and our expertise in ours perhaps in creating that new website, branding rejuvenation or something else. It therefore should by rights be a guaranteed success? After all we will Brainstorm with you and together work the best possible solution/strategy…..
Occasionally we get prospective client with blinkers and ear muffs on; they don’t engage in the “working together” bit. It’s a wonder they came to us in the first place and almost without fail are moaning down the line that they have wasted their money. Seriously we don’t want to waste your time or our time. If there is no mutual agreement on what to do lets not do it. We’ve become picky on who we work with these days. It should be fun and successful all round. It’s a business relationship but like any relationship we have to get on. Have mutual understanding etc.
Speak to our existing customers the ones that have been around for years. They will tell you. And call us to find out more.